Saturday, March 10, 2007


feeling bad in an i don't know why kinda way. hating everyone. i don't even think i have pms so i don't know what it is.

i want to get the fuck away. and be alone and sulk. that's not true but it's easiest.

i started thinking about how i should get irish citizenship so then i could go to ireland or anywhere in europe and live and work there and have adventures. except i'm worried that i'm too lame these days to have decent adventures.

i ate 4 cadbury cream eggs today.

my fucking teeth hurt really bad at random times during the day and i'm worried my dentist did something wrong and i will have to go back.

my cats are too needy. they crawl all over me incessantly.

had a long drawn-out nightmare last night and can't really even find the words to explain it- it was so abstract but i was so stressed out during it i woke up in a pool of sweat twice. disgusting.

i don't feel like getting up and going into the basement and putting the towels in the dryer.


Hedy De Vine said...

one of my friends moved to ireland and worked in a pub there for a few months before coming home. maybe you can do something like that because it doesn't require irish citizenship and the adventures would find YOU.

kalipornia said...

do you think the eggs could be hurting your teeth?

murl said...

those eggs would never hurt me.

poopee shmoopee said...

hey murl!

the beatbox flute guy has a new video out!

Anonymous said...

I feel ya, I'm in a similar mood these days. I'm also pretty sure it isn't pms.

Valency said...

Aaah-ite! I'm outta my funk... Now you hafta get out of yours, too...

sweaty said...

where are you?

Anonymous said...

Hey kali, could you check on murl? I think she might be trapped in her basement under a big pile of towels!

Hedy De Vine said...

Hi Murl.