Thursday, February 15, 2007

i will be an amazing nurse

so i am in nursing school and on thursdays and fridays we go to the hospital and they let us work with real live people and stuff. this is only like my 3rd clinical rotation (didn't that sound professional just now? clinical rotation. i am such a medical professional now), so it is still kinda intimidating and all.

anyway, last friday when i was there i had this patient who was about my dad's age with a hip replacement. i was getting him some supplies together so he could brush his teeth. little sample toothpaste, little cheap-o toothbrush, little green bottle of... mouthwash.

i was emptying his urinal or something in the bathroom when i hear, "HON, this AIN'T MOUTHWASH!"

my face gets all hot and i am all OH NO what did i do- I POISONED HIM. i come out and he holds up the little green bottle that looked JUST LIKE a little green bottle of mouthwash like the kind they had at the last hospital and i read it and it is LIQUID SOAP that he had just swished around in his mouth. and i don't even know what to say because at this moment i am realizing what an idiot thing to do that was and luckily for me he starts laughing at me, which i figure is a lot better than being pissed.

a few hours later his girlfriend is there asking me questions about school and stuff and says something like, "well you sure are doing a good job" and then he says, "YEAH EXCEPT FOR THE MOUTHWASH!...HAHA LOOK HOW RED SHE'S TURNIN!" as he points at me.

eh it could've been worse i figure.


Hedy De Vine said...

haha i thought you were gonna say it was urine in the mouthwash bottle. swishing with soap is definitely better than with urine.

poopee shmoopee said...

i agree with hedy. pee would've been reeeeeeeaaaalllly bad. i'm sure it wasn't the first time his mouth was washed out with soap.

Jeremy QA Gibbens said...

My mom washed my mouth out with soap once when I was a kid. Obviously it didn't work.

At least it wasn't Windex you gave him.

Anonymous said...

One time, my mom had this eye thing. She handed me this little bottle of eye drops and layed down and asked me to put drops in her eye. Good thing I looked at the bottle, she grabbed the wrong one. She grabbed WART REMOVING ACID!!!!! I almost put that in my moms eye. True Story.