rayman raving rabbits is the best game ever. i don't have the wii, but that is what friends are for. i'm babysitting my favorite little friend right now and his favorite thing to do is watch people play the game. i was getting something to eat and he was in the living room screaming "MEEL! MEEL!" (what he calls me) and when i came in he grabbed the wii controller and handed it to me and said "bunnies?" so i played for about 20 minutes and turned around and saw he was asleep. SCORE! i take him upstairs and he stays asleep while i change his diaper and put his pjs on and AS SOON AS I LAY HIM DOWN of course he wakes up so i have to go through the whole read a story tucking in process. it's cool though we are tight like that.
sometimes i really love little kids. he sounds cute. i too was one of those kids who liked to watch other people play the video games. and see how great i turned out!
hi meel.
that is so cuuuuuute! meeeeeeeel!
hiya. it is very very very cute- you should hear it- it squishes my heart with love!
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